Sunday, September 15, 2013

Photo-A-Day: Day 14

Day 14: Apple...or rather Apples!

I have so many apple things around my room that students, friends, and family have given me! I think I love the 3D apple puzzle the most! It was so fun to put together!

Photo-A-Day: Day 13

Day 13: After the kids leave...
I am SO PROUD of my students! They have had a fantastic week and have earned 7 marbles on our classroom Bingo chart! When they earn a full card Bingo we are going to celebrate with a fun activity! My kids are still thinking and planning what our classroom reward will be!

Photo-A-Day: Day 12

Day 12: My Desk!
Surprisingly not a mess! Must be the beginning of the day!

Photo-A-Day: Day 11

Day 11: Patriotic!
I Pledge Allegiance...

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Photo-A-Day: Day 10

Day 10: Read Aloud!
Right now we are reading about the 7 habits!

Photo-A-Day: Day 9

Day 9: Breakfast!
Something simple yet filling.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Photo-A-Day: Day 8

Day 8: Sunday Morning. 
Finishing up my sub binder, emergency sub plans and starting my action research project for class...what fun. Good thing it's gloomy.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Photo-A-Day: Day 7

Day 7: Saturday Afternoon!

Spending this my Saturday afternoon at the lake celebrating my nieces 7th birthday! We have both gone through kindergarten, first grade and now second grade a teacher...her a student! 

Photo-A-Day: Day 6

Day 6: Bus!

I don't usually make it out to our buses because I am walking students out the front door. My students and I love this picture on our schedule because it means we worked hard all day and now it's time to go home!

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Photo-A-Day Day 5

Day 5: Paper!
Love my organized rainbow drawer of paper! It's a little low on some colors from the beginning of the year! Need to restock! #CFCSeptember

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Day 1: September
Getting ready to head back to school. Bring out the bags!

Day 2: Labor Day
Last day on the Boat!

Day 3: Back to School
Bring on second grade!

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Photo-A Day Teacher Snapshots!

Check out this awesome challenge from Clutter-Free Classroom!
Full details of the challenge are listed on their site!
There may even be prizes involved! :)

I am so excited to participate in this fun teacher challenge for September! Join me whether or not you have a blog! You can post your pictures on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or any social platform you like! 

It as simple as snapping a photo with your cell phone that relates to the daily prompt! There is no right or wrong way to do this because there are really no rules! You can post a photo a day or you can post a weekly recap of photos. You can post for all 31 prompts or pick a few that interest you! 

Just be sure to include the #CFCSeptember hashtag whenever and wherever you post!

Please follow Classroom Brainstorm and comment below to share your username or a link to the social media platforms you will use for this challenge! I would love for us to follow each other so that we can compare our pictures, get some new ideas and see how we interpret the prompts!