Saturday, August 24, 2013

It's a Brainstorm...Classroom Tour 2013!

Welcome to my room! This year is the first year that I haven't had to completely move rooms! Woo hoo! Despite not moving rooms, I still worked all week to bring my room back to life and add some awesome additions inspired by one of Krissy Venosdale's rooms! If you haven't checked her out you definitely need to see her Evolution of a Classroom because you will fall in love with her ideas and her love for recycling items within her rooms.

Now onto the tour starting in my hall!
My classroom leader board in the hall. 
We are starting Leader in Me this year! 

Taking Second by Storm this year above student backpack area. Once I have my official class list I will be adding student names to the lightning bolts! The beautiful poster is from Krissy Venosdale! Check out her Flickr for free poster downloads!

This poster is hanging above my classroom door! I made it using Photoshop and I am pretty impressed with my first Photoshop project! Turned out pretty good!

NOW THE FUN PART! Welcome to my Classroom!
This is what I see when I first walk into my room.
This is from the other side of my room!

Right when my kids walk into the room they make their lunch choices. I will add names to the colored tickets. This station is where I store my students ID cards and Ziplock bags for their lunch money. They take their card from the station and put it in the red pocket of their choice. I have picture cards of the lunch choices that clip onto the pockets so that my kids can see what they are choosing.

On the other side of the door I have a stand where important notes get placed and where my students can find hats and gloves in the cold Michigan winters. Next is our mailboxes! The red cabinet is from Ikea and my wonderful dad made the mailboxes! Check out my light out brain! I love adding lights to my classroom because I have NO windows :(

Next is the sink area. Tip if you have a bulletin board by a sink: Buy cheap vinyl table clothes to cover the board! They wipe up from any water damage! I usually find them at Meijer or Bed Bath and Beyond in the clearance from the summer! This is were my classroom leader jobs will be posted. Under the counter I store cleaning supplies, paper plates, plastic ware, cups, tissue, and paper towel. 

In front of my sink I have a table that I use for science along with many other things throughout the day! The wood door is a built in cabinet with lots of storage packed with lots of stuff!

Our classroom meeting area! I am still working on the calendar setup to make it more math based. The cabinet behind the red chair is filled with games for indoor recess. It also holds our behavior chart!

This is our classroom schedule! 
My kids really rely on this visual schedule of our day and it helps keep me on track!

My whiteboard/Smart Board area!  Under the Smart Board I have a old white toy chest that I put extra teacher binders that I don't use on an everyday basis. The headphone are for the four  iPod touches I received through Donors Choose!

My desk area! I don't use my desk to much because my kids use my computer along with the other student computers throughout the day. I do have lots of storage here that it definitely utilized!

Common Core posters for I can statements. 
You can find these on Teacher Pay Teacher for every grade level!

Birthday bags are a new addition to my room this year! The area above my desk was lacking so I tacked up gift bags for each month and filled them with crazy straw balloons for each student! I got the bags and straws from Dollar Tree and the birthday balloon toppers from Teacher Pay Teacher!

My guided reading table! 
I got the Pebble ball chairs from a Donors Choose project.
The green dry erase dots are  from Bed Bath and Beyond! 

My teacher shelf! The books on the top two shelves are picture books that I use most often separated by pieces of file folders by month and then by topic. 

New project for this year was to consolidate all my files into binders! I have taught kindergarten, first and now second so I needed to downsize! The two inch binders are from Costco. The chevron spines and coves from Teacher Pay Teacher! I will post more in depth about this project later!

Math manipulative cart!

This shelf contains books students can listen to on our classroom iPods! 
I change them out every few weeks.

 Classroom library! The brilliant brains board will get covered in student work. The books are separated by topic and by fiction and nonfiction. I am still working on the best way to organize and label books!

Library complete with Chicka, Chicka, Boom Boom Tree and color changing star lights from Ikea!

Student computer area!

The whole back wall in my room is metal! I use magnets on everything! I hung blue chevron fabric to break up the white wall and make a word wall/writing board.

Close up on my word wall! Letters were found on Teachers Pay Teachers!

Writing Center! I will be adding more to the board at the year goes on. On the table my students will find all the supplies they need for writing!

Check out my awesome light up tornado for my Brain"Storm" idea! Next to it are topic cards for writing that I found on Pinterest.

 I love my pencil dispenser and can't wait for the kids to use it! The red bins are filled with crayons by color for student to easily find a color they need! I also created classroom journals with various topic for my students to share their thoughts in. They can create their own entry and read their friends writing also! 

These are a couple posters I made from ideas I found on Pinterest!

Thanks for taking a glimpse into my classroom! If you have any questions about things you see here please feel free to leave a comment or contact me! I would love to share my ideas with you!


  1. Your room looks great! I love the table labels with the lightning. Those chairs at your reading table look amazing. I bet the kids love to sit on those. Thanks so much for linking up!

    Swimming into Second

  2. I love the brainstorm/weather theme. What a cute idea! I found your blog through the linky and am happy to report I am your newest follower. I am also a second grade teacher and pretty new to blogging too! I would love for you to check out my blog if you get a chance. Thanks for sharing. I can't wait to read more post. Thanks for sharing.

